Beyond Imagination
Explain Coincidences

The title of the book "Dog & God" represents a coincidence of word formation: if the order of the letters in DOG are reversed, it becomes GOD. Similarly, ’live’ flipped around becomes ‘evil’ and the letter M, standing for ‘Mountain’ and ‘Man,’ when flipped around becomes the letter W, which stands for ‘Water’ and ‘Woman’. Before our eyes, word structures and alphabetic sequences give rise to universal rules and patterns within the circle of life. throughout our lives we have encountered many fascinating coincidences. The normal consciousness perceives coincidences to be meaningless random events, so they are not taken seriously. However, many coincidences are not random, rather they occur in collective and continuous patterns undergirded by certain common principles. This book "Dog and God" presents a collection of coincidences, including patterns in word structures, colors in flags and logos, and recurring themes in maps and satellite images that reflect regional history, culture, legends, and mythologies. These are meaningful messengers that reveal how archetypes of collective unconscious are carried out instinctively beyond our consciousness.
Unique Perceptions
This book explores the collective unconscious and its hidden influence on our minds, shaping the creation of words and symbols beyond our awareness. By examining the archetypes within the 26 letters of the English alphabet, it reveals the mysterious truths behind word formation, uncovering a profound reality long overlooked.
Ever wonder why many Greek gods’ names, like Uranus, Cronus, and Zeus, end in "-us," similar to "Animus," while goddesses' names like Gaia, Rhea, Hera, and Athena end in "a," like "Anima"? Or why continents like Africa, America, Asia, and Australia all begin and end with "A"? This book reveals the secrets of the collective unconscious through various meaningful coincidences found in Greek legends.
This book delves into the mysteries of rocks, blending myth, science, history, culture and imagination to awaken the Collective Unconscious and expand our understanding beyond the limits of conventional perceptions.
"The creator of the world did not fashion these things directly from himself but copied them from archetypes outside himself... man’s unconsciousness contains remote archaic patterns and instincts inherited from the ancestors, that is, with universal images that have existed since the remotest times..." -Carl Jung